Banaras, the city of Mahadev, is where every disturbed mind feels peace. This is also the city where a beautiful love story of two hearts is going to take place....

Sharma Niwas..

A little away from the hustle bustle of the city, there is a two-storey house painted in white and pink color, surrounded by a courtyard full of flowers, this house is simple as well as very beautiful, but if there is something more beautiful than this, then it is the mind of the people living inside that house.. So let's go inside Sharma Niwas..

In a small but beautiful hall, in which a sofa set was placed, a man (Abhinav Sharma) whose age must be around 45 years was reading the newspaper wearing a blue shirt and black pants, then a sweet voice comes from there..

"Good morning papa", hearing which a smile comes on Abhinav ji's face too.

After saying this, a girl wearing a short kurti and jeans and a small bindi on her forehead and small earrings in her ears comes and touches Abhinav ji's feet and takes his blessings.

(So this is the heroine of our story "Vaidehi", who is a girl of soft and quiet nature but the fact that she speaks less does not mean that she remains quiet even if something bad is happening in front of her, if it is a matter of standing up for the right then she will never hesitate to put her point forward)

On the other hand, Vaidehi's father Abhinav ji who is a finance manager in a clothing manufacturing company, is a strict person who follows principles but when it comes to his family, he is a little humble.

"Beta, how many times have I told you that daughters are the goddess of the house, it does not look good for them to touch feet" Abhinav ji says this lovingly and blesses Vaidehi and makes her sit next to him.

"Papa, I am your daughter and I have the right to take your blessings" Vaidehi says smilingly in her sweet voice.

Vaidehi rarely talks but her parents are the only ones in front of whom she talks a little..

While the father and daughter were talking, a voice came from the kitchen,

"Breakfast is ready"

On hearing this, Abhinav and Vaidehi come to the dining hall of their house where Vaidehi's mother (Amita Sharma) is serving breakfast on the table.

(This is Vaidehi's mother who is a very calm woman, after marriage she spent her whole life in building her family, in giving good values ​​to Vaidehi and in taking care of every small and big thing of every member of the family, it is the result of her upbringing that Vaidehi possess the strong yet humble personality today, Amita ji always supported every right decision of Vaidehi and if she is wrong somewhere then she also explained it to her. Amita ji has always encouraged Vaidehi to make friends but due to Vaidehi's shy and less talkative nature, she was never successful.)

"Mummy you sit, I will serve breakfast", saying this Vaidehi serves breakfast on the table, and her mother sits on the chair with a smile and everyone starts having breakfast.

"So vedu are all the preparations done, today is your first day of college, you have kept all the stuff properly, right?" Amitaji asks.

"Yes, I have kept everything properly, but I am a little scared, I don't know how everyone will be there", Vaidehi says in a low voice.

" beta, don't be scared, just trust yourself and study diligently in college, everything will be fine", Abhinav says while explaining.

Vaidehi feels a little good after hearing this and she nods her head in yes.

"Ok Vaidehi, now let's talk about some rules, remember Vaidehi, there is no restriction on making friends in college, but focus on studies as well and keep some distance from boys, rest I and your mother have full faith in you", Abhinav says in a slightly strict voice.

Yes Papa" Vaidehi says in a low voice.

"Aree aap bhi naa,  My vedu is already scared and you are scaring her even more." Amita says.

"Amita, it is not about scaring but about making her cautious, you know how some boys are in college." Abhinav says.

"Papa, you don't worry at all and trust your daughter okay, I am leaving otherwise i will get late on the very first day itself." Saying this vadehi was about to stand up, just then Abhinav ji said,

"Wait Vaidehi, today is the first day of college, I will drop you on my way to office." After saying this abhinav jii went to take out the car from driveway.

"Vedu, take care and now it is enough to stay without friends, try to make some good friends, okay?" Amita says this and lovingly caresses Vaidehi's head and hugs her.

"Yes Mumma"  saying this vadehi hugged her mother back and comes out of the house,and after sitting inside the car says bye to her mother once again and then takes off from there towards Vaidehi's college....



So this the first chapter of my very first novel please give your love and support to my story and share it with your friends please....

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